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This Beauty Brand Made $115,563 with These Email Marketing Strategies in Just 30 Days. Here’s How.

Sep 29, 2023

From April 21, 2022 until May 21, 2022, this brand killed it on Klaviyo, and we’re going to reveal the email marketing strategies that got them there. 




This small beauty brand sells just two makeup products and boasts a list size of 93,769 active profiles inside Klaviyo. 


Their average cart value is quite low at just $29.94.


When we took over their account less than 6 months ago, they were not emailing their list consistently and Klaviyo was not bringing in revenue. 


Now, in the last 30 days, we’ve helped this brand generate over $115,000 in revenue using email and SMS which made up 40% of their total revenue for the time period. 


Here are the Email Marketing Strategies that got them there:


Email Marketing Strategy #1: Consistent Campaigns

One thing is for sure - you can’t generate money with email if you aren’t sending emails! 

Campaigns are such big revenue generators that I call them Weekly Cash Injections... because that's exactly what they do! Inject cash straight into your business. 

It sounds obvious, but the reality is that many e-commerce brands are under-emailing their audience. A good rule of thumb is to make sure you’re contacting your engaged audience (those who have opened, clicked, or visited your site in the past 90 days) at least once per week. 


For this brand, we opted to email 8 times within the 30 days and text 3 times. 

Email Marketing Strategy #2: 80% Nurture, 20% Sales

One objection that I hear to email marketing is, “I don’t want to constantly put my products on sale just to make money… what else would I email about?” 


Actually, there are a variety of types of email marketing campaigns you can use to connect with your audience. Campaigns work to build trust and recognition with your brand in addition to making direct sales. 


Here is a list of campaigns that we used for this brand in the 30-day period: 


  1. Back in Stock
  2. Holiday Sale (Mother’s Day)
  3. Sale Follow Up (Mother’s Day)
  4. Pain / Solution Email
  5. Testimonial Roundup
  6. Content Feature
  7. Content Spinner
  8. Special Request


We also connected via SMS campaign a total of 3 times. Here’s what was sent: 


  1. Back in Stock
  2. Sale - VIP Access
  3. Product Spotlight


Email Marketing Strategy #3: Segment 


What is segmentation? In short, segmentation means we take our entire audience and slice it into smaller sections and group those sections together based on commonalities. 


There are 3 main ways to segment: engagement, behavior, custom metrics. 


Engagement Based Segmentation: 

Engagement based segmentation slices and groups the audience based on when (and how often) they have opened, clicked, or visited your website. Essentially, we’re wanting to know who is engaging with your brand right now. 


Segmenting by engagement is the most basic way to segment. Typically, we want to connect with our highest-engaged audience at least once a week (possibly more). 


For this brand, we’re sending all campaigns to those who have engaged at least once in the last 180 days. 


We’re also sending the product spotlight (which included a product announcement) to those who have engaged once in the last year since this was part of a product launch. 

Behavior Based Segmentation: 

A slightly more advanced way to segment is based on behaviors the subscriber has taken, when they performed that behavior, and how frequently. 


For example, we can segment based on how recently someone has made a purchase, and how many times they’ve made a purchase. 

Custom Based Segmentation: 

Custom segmentation goes a bit deeper and uses metrics specific to this brand. For example, we can narrow in on people who have purchased a specific product in the past, subscribed to SMS, has subscribed to a product, etc. 


For this month, we excluded Reward Members from a campaign asking customers to sign up for a reward program. No other custom segments were used. 

Email Marketing Strategy #4: Automate 

Automated flows are one of the best ways to generate revenue month after month with a very low investment. 


Even basic flows such as a welcome and abandoned cart flow can generate 15%-20% of a brand’s revenue. 

I love flows because they are (mostly) Evergreen, Automated Sales Sequences that continue to work for your brand 24/7/365. 

This brand ran the following flows: 


Abandon Cart - Cart Size Split, Birthday, Lapsed Purchase, Post Purchase, Welcome Nurture, and Browse Abandon. 

Email Marketing Strategy #5: Grow Your List

A clean list is a profitable list. 

We never recommend buying or scraping a list to use for your ecommerce store. Instead, we recommend growing your list using consent-based opt-ins. 


Pop-ups work best. They outperform other types of forms (especially embedded forms) just about every single time. 


This brand ran a pop-up that converted at a rate of 9.6%. 

The pop up is a two-step opt-in that asks for both email and phone number / SMS consent. 


Without these opt ins, it wouldn’t matter what we sent as the emails wouldn’t be going to very many people. That’s why I recommend growing your list as soon as possible. 


As you grow, keep your list, segment so you’re sending targeted messages and drop all profiles that don’t engage. This will ensure your email list stays healthy and profitable. 


That’s it. Everything you need to steal these email marketing strategies! 

If you're ready to build similar results for your online store, sign up to receive emails from me below. I send tips, resources, and inspiration to help you grow your online store using email and sms. 


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Quick Conversion Welcome Flow Templates

If you're watching too many visitors bounce without converting, this Quick Conversion Welcome Flow is the answer. 

Enter your email and I'll send over my proven templates, inspired by results we've generated for 6 and 7 figure Shopify stores.

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